Youth Problems Research Unit


This unit focuses on studying adolescent male and female problems as well as youth problems arising from familial, social, educational and vocational impediments, sparetime and imbalance in moral constitution. It also reflects on the methods of advising, guiding and instructing them on social skills necessary for conforming to today ’s society.

Unit Objectives :

1. To prepare a scientific conception on the reality of adolescents ’ and youth problems.

2. To assess the efforts made in the Kingdom to discover and reveal the different problems relating to the adolescents and the youth.

3. To establish cooperation channels between the suggested unit and other Arab and Islamic institutions concerned with youth problems.

4. To prepare programs to develop counseling skills for people who deal with the youth and the adolescents and their parents or guardians.

5. To prepare guidebooks including methods of proper dealing with familial, social, educational, vocational and sparetime problems of adolescents and the youth.

6. To provide social, religious, educational and informatory consultation in dealing with adolescent and youth problems for various educational, social and security institutions.

7. To conduct scientific in-depth studies in the fields of familial, social, educational, vocational and idleness problems of the youth and adolescents and the course of action necessary to deal with those problems.

8. To construct programs to occupy the youth and adolescents during their sparetime and teach them the necessary social skills.


Last Update
10/16/2012 11:54:41 AM